Our founder, Jack Murdock, knew the importance of investing in workplaces holistically – not just through funding but also through leadership development, peer support, and opportunities for professional growth. One way the Trust lives out this priority of Jack’s today is through programs like Board Leadership and Development that build capacity in organizations so they can better serve their communities.
After nearly fifty years of working closely with the nonprofits of our region, we have observed (and there are studies to back it up) that strong institutions are led by strong boards. When organizational leadership is aligned and the responsibilities of the executive director and board are clarified, that clarity is felt throughout the organization. This sets the nonprofit up for sustainable success and greater impact.
Recently, 15 nonprofits gathered at the Hilton in Vancouver, WA, for two days of training, planning, and networking. They learned the characteristics of a high-performing board, identified strategic next steps for their organization, and received guidance from Murdock Trust coaches and faculty and from the shared wisdom of other nonprofits in the room. In addition to this training and a session in May, each nonprofit in this program receives customized coaching across six months that helps them to apply what they’ve learned with specificity and nuance.
After this two-day session, one executive director said that the time was “superior in every way to every other leadership training I have ever attended.” In addition to strengthening their board, this leader commented that there would surely be a ripple effect throughout the entire state and industry in which they work. After all, pouring into the leadership at the top trickles down to every layer of the organization, and ultimately flows into the community itself. This is the reality that Jack Murdock saw, the Murdock Trust believes, and our nonprofits live out.
Thank you for the ripple effects of impact you each are making in our region, one strong board at a time!
We are currently accepting applications for our 2024 Board Leadership and Development cohorts. To learn more and apply, see this page.
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