Below is a list of faculty researchers who have expressed an interest to participate in the RAISE program. Please feel free to reach out to them if you have a similar interest.
If a PI or grant administrator would like to be added to this page, please share the name(s), institution, areas of interest, and website to Marybeth Stewart Goon and Dr. Moses Lee.
Biology Department #
Dr. Stacey Weiss
Professor and Chair
Biology Department
University of Puget Sound
1500 N Warner St #1088
Tacoma, WA 98416-1088
I am a behavioral and microbial ecologist interested in the evolution of female ornamentation and reproductive behavior. Currently, we are examining cloacal microbes that are passively transferred to eggshells during egg-laying and their function in protecting eggs from environmental pathogens in the absence of parental care. My main study organisms are Sceloporus lizards but I am open to working on other systems.
Dr. Heidi Schutz
Associate Professor
Biology Department
Pacific Lutheran University
Rieke Science Center
1010 122nd St. S.
Tacoma, WA 98447
+1 (253) 535-7094
I am interested in participating in a collaborative project via the RAISE Program. I would appreciate being included in the page where collaborators can find one another. Here is my information: 1. Areas of Interest: Morphological Evolution in Animals, Sexual Dimorphism, Geometric Morphometrics. 2. Website link which has a description of my research as well as links to my current CV and Researchgate account with my publications list:
Chemistry Department #
Dr. Justin C. Lytle
Associate Professor and Chair
Chemistry Department
Pacific Lutheran University
12180 Park Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98447
I am writing to declare my interest in participating in a collaborative research project through the Murdock Charitable Trust’s RAISE Program. Here is the information that you requested from interested faculty: 1. the intersection of materials chemistry and electrochemistry as pertains to energy storage and sensing small molecules: