For the first time, we are making the following portions of the Murdock College Science Research Conference available to watch via live stream. Please click on the live stream links below to access the session you would like to watch.

If you have any issues, please email us at

Friday, November 12, 2021 #

8:00am PST | Opening/Welcome Session #

There were some technical difficulties with the Opening/Welcome session, but everything should be resolved and working as of now.

8:50am PST | Life/Physical Science Talks (Day 1) #

11:50am PST | Enrichment Luncheon for Faculty & Staff #

5:45pm PST | Banquet & Keynote Speaker #


Saturday, November 13, 2021 #

8:45am PST | Life/Physical Science Talks (Day 2) #

12:30pm PST | Closing Ceremony & Awards #