We’re grateful for your participation in the 2022 Board Leadership and Development cohort. Below you will find the Zoom meeting recordings, resources, and other general information for the cohort.

If you have any questions, please contact us at boardleadership@murdocktrust.org or 360-694-8415.

Recordings from Session One #

Resources #

Tools & Templates #

Appointing New Board Members #

Effective Board Meetings #

Templates and Examples #

Strategic Planning #

Checklists #

Position Descriptions and Evaluations #

Tech Tips #

Here are a few things to think about before and when you join:

  1. Choose a well-lit, quiet location where you will have good internet access.
  2. If joining with others from your team in the same location (on a large screen), you may all participate by having one person join the meeting.
  3. After joining the Zoom meeting, please make sure to rename yourself so that your first name, last name, and organization appear.
    • Note: You may have to redo this if you disconnect from the meeting and rejoin.
  4. Please use use your camera for the entirety of the meeting. This will help us engage fully! We have built breaks into the schedule to allow you to turn off your camera and step away. Please remain logged into Zoom during all breaks.
  5. If you have any questions about Zoom or how to navigate the platform, please see these video tutorials.
  6. If you have any emergency issues or questions, please contact either Amy Dickerson at (661) 319-2989 or Sarah Ruckle at (571) 234-3166.